Why you should learn to program in Rust

Shrey Kavi
6 min readFeb 4, 2022


Have you ever been in a situation where your code isn’t fast enough, but you’ve exhausted your options? I guess it’s time to buckle up those big boy pants and rewrite in C++… right? Well, what if I was to tell you that there’s another option.

Over the last 6 months, I’ve been learning Rust; a systems programming language that gives you lower level control of your software (like you’d see in C/C++) while still being friendly to learn and use.

Hi I’m Ferris the Rustacean!

Why learn a new language?

Over the last couple years, I’ve primarily been writing Python and a mentor of mine mentioned he was learning Rust. He showed me some of the toy code he wrote, the exhaustive pattern matching and the amazing compiler (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just keep reading). It sounded cool to work with, but the learning curve was steep and I wasn’t exactly hooked on Rust just yet.

Like most developers, I was comfortable with a language. My first love was Python; the syntax and semantics are simple, it’s easy to get started writing something new, has external libraries that enable you to do virtually anything, and most importantly, I’m familiar with it. So then why go through the work to learn a new one? One day at work (I was at a Python shop at the time), we wanted to write some performant code that aggregates data from external sources but were being bottle-necked by Python’s marshaling process.

Marshaling is the process of converting data from a memory representation into a data representation that can be stored and transmitted easily.

I realized that if the core process of marshaling was being limited, there wasn’t much we could do to improve performance… other than rewriting the code in a new language. The language I was married to just couldn’t do what I needed… and that’s when I decided it was time to learn a new language.

So why Rust?

Different coding languages can do different things. When you think JavaScript, you think websites (frontend mainly). When you think Ruby, you think backend in Rails. When you think C or C++, you think systems programming and headache. And when you think Python, you think shit, I can do anything with all these libraries.

So when you choose a language, you have to keep in mind what you’re planning to build with it. Personally, I already have Python in my tool set so I wasn’t focused on an easy-to-learn language that I could use for building backend services. Instead, I wanted to learn a lower- level language that gave me more control of my resources and could be used for performant systems programming. The applications I’d be writing would still likely be backend services, but my priorities would be different this time.

What’s cool about Rust is that it’s similar to Python in that it can be used in all types of different applications. The external crates (this is what Rust calls libraries) and frameworks enable you to build things from personal CLI tools to backend services to games. This made my choice easier, since I knew Rust could be the tool I use when Python just isn’t good enough.

A couple other things really stuck out to me when I looked into Rust. Firstly, the active community, though it’s not yet as active and large as Python, its clearly a growing community. A increasing number of people are learning and starting to use Rust, which means more crates and more people to answer your “dumb” questions on forums. It’s even being used at many large companies now, including, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and more. Secondly, Rust natively compiles to WASM (web assembly).

“WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.”


In simple terms, Rust code can be compiled and run in a web browser which makes it easy to distribute. A great application of this is Figma — they switched over to using Rust when their web app was starting to get too slow. Thirdly, the Rust compiler. Rust is a compiled language which means the code is converted into a binary executable before distribution. This enables two big things; code can be checked for errors on compilation and code execution doesn’t need a runtime interpreter. This means before you publish your application to be run in production, Rust will error and type check everything to make sure it doesn’t blow up when run. No runtime interpreter means that the binary can be downloaded and run without a bunch of extra setup. An added bonus, with virtually no runtime Rust is fast, EXTREMELY FAST!

A language that’s well supported, easily distributed, does its best to make sure there aren’t errors and is fast as hell. There’s only one problem, Rust is hard to learn.

How did I start learning Rust?

My approach to learning is simple; first, you learn the building blocks and then you build something, or so I thought.

I like to start with the easy stuff that lets me get my foot in the door and build something right away. This keeps me motivated and gives me applicable ability with a language early on. Then I iteratively continue learning and building with the skills I just picked up to reinforce my learning. A skill is best learned when you venture off and use it for yourself.

With my Rust journey, I started with some simple YouTube tutorials. Sadly, I soon realized that the language itself was complicated enough that rough understanding of the basic building blocks wouldn’t be enough to build anything meaningful. The language introduces many new concepts specific to it including; ownership, pattern matching, traits, lifetimes, and … I’ll stop here before I scare you away.

Not to fear, the community is here! I then started working through the Rust Programming Book. I highly recommend this book — it progresses well and the complexity of the content increases linearly so you’re not overwhelmed at any step of the way. The book is also formatted with hands-on projects and challenges between chapters, so you can practice and fortify your learning. In all, Rust did a great job with their documentation and learning process.

Was it worth it?

Learning Rust brought me back to the ground level of learning programming. I had to review concepts I hadn’t thought about since my school days, and realized I overestimated how much I knew. Like I mentioned earlier, I was comfortable with Python, a high-level language that does a lot of the work for you.

If you’re not sold on learning Rust (and becoming a Rustacean), I still highly recommend every software engineer pick up a new language or new technology to learn. When you get hyper-focused into a niche you forget that there's more out there. By choosing something that’s different from your day-to-day it exposes you to new realms of software, or to ones that you’ve forgotten about.

What's next?

As Rust can be used for numerous different applications, it enables me to get creative with what I use it to build. Recently, I’ve been excited with the idea of game development (though I’ve heard horror stories about the industry as a whole). There’s a growing gaming Rust community and many frameworks now being used to building games with Rust. One that’s particularly catching my eye is “Bevy”. That’s all I’ll say for now.

Stay tuned and stay curious!

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Shrey Kavi

Software Engineer. I ask questions and write about the answers. Learn more about me @ shrey.codes